Reclaiming Cunt

February 17, 2008

You know what they say– all press is good press!

I think it is hilarious that the words used in “The Vagina Monologues” are still causing such a ruckus–even in the year 2008! What is ridiculous is that Fonda used the ::gasp:: “C-WORD” in complete context–she was simply naming the monologue she was asked to perform, she was not using it in a profane way. Yet everyone FLIPPED out. Common, people!

Language is all about context, and Fonda was completely appropriate: words do not hold inherent power, only so much as we give them power. And we have the power to change the meaning of a word if we want to, because language is dynamic, not static! This is the very pointof the monologue itself! The short monologue, written in a sensual slam-poet type of way, is an empowering piece that shifts the negative connotation away from the word and moves it into a place of profound acceptance and ownership; the piece is called “Reclaiming Cunt.” Maybe instead of freaking out and apologizing to the viewers which only perpetuated the dirtiness of the word, a conversation could have started about why Eve wrote the piece, and its important and powerful purpose in our culture.

The actress used the four-letter c-word for a woman’s anatomy on the show Thursday while talking about the play “The Vagina Monologues.” Fonda, 70, is appearing in a 10th-anniversary performance.

Fonda said she was asked to perform a monologue with the slang term for vagina as the title — and she used the term itself on the air. She said her reply was, “I don’t think so. I’ve got enough problems.”

About 10 minutes later, “Today” co-host Meredith Vieira told viewers that “Today” and Fonda apologized for the remark.

NBC News has recently apologized for comments made by Chris Matthews and David Shuster

–Associated Press

2 Responses to “Reclaiming Cunt”

  1. RC said

    Touche’, you are so right.

  2. awalkabout said

    Craziness. And also shows no one on the show did their homework ahead of time to see what Jane might say. As “radical” and “scary” as she is, you’d think someone might do that.
    I was in VM last year and it was a great experience. (Obviously still necessary for our culture!!) Posted about it on V-Day. Come by and see!

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